Why feeling taller tricks your brain into making you feel more confident and why your smartphone addiction might be making you depressed?
The next time you’re feeling sad and depressed, pay close attention to your posture. According to cognitive scientists, you’ll likely be slumped over with your neck and shoulders curved forward and head looking down.
While it’s true that you’re sitting this way because you’re sad, it’s also true that you’re sad because you’re sitting this way. This philosophy, known as embodied cognition, is the idea that the relationship between our mind and body runs both ways, meaning our mind influences the way our body reacts, but the form of our body also triggers our mind.
This isn’t just about displaying confidence to others around; this is about actually changing your hormones–increased levels of testosterone and decreased levels of cortisol, or the stress hormone, in the brain.
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The summer is all around us but it's never too late to get your body in to a lean and toned shape for the summer holiday season!
Summer is the season when everyone wants to look good. Here are seven tips to get a toned and lean body this summer, without too much of extreme effort.
Read MoreChildren really do benefit from ballet. It is a wonderful way for their confidence to thrive. Watch your child interact with others, make new friends, work as a team and discover new ways to communicate and create. For more information:
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Ballet-inspired workouts blast fat, focusing on lower-half results such as abs, bottoms, and legs shaping. Here's the secret: Most exercises involve "micro-movements," in which you move just an inch or two. They take out the momentum, forcing you to stay in the contraction, which tires muscles faster, giving you faster results.
Read MoreSo many people feel intimidated about trying real ballet despite its wonderful fitness benefits. Here’s what you need to know to let your inner-ballerina shine!
Myth: Ballet is only for people with a natural dancer’s physique.
Truth: You don’t have to be thin, leggy, flexible, or coordinated to do ballet.
Read MoreWhen it comes to their kids, parents want them to have the best. Exposure to things like sports and the arts help them to become more well rounded young men and women. Have you thought about ballet? Kids are into all sorts of afterschool sports and other activities like piano and violin lessons. Dancing is a great medium for both girls and boys. And, they can start young. Classical ballet may have been pushed aside in favor of tap dancing, hip-hop, jazz and other forms. But, did you know that beginning with ballet will help with these other types of dancing? That is just one little secret weíre letting you in on. Ballet dancers make it look effortless as they move across the stage. From the lifts to the toe points, many wonder how they can do it. Your kids can also be a part of this through the practice of classical ballet. Ballet classes can start for young children from the ages of three or four. For them, being in front of all those mirrors and the bar is something new and exciting. Some of the benefits of ballet for young children are: