Posts tagged fitness
Are we getting older or are we making ourselves older?

As soon as something starts to hurt or you start to feel discomfort when moving, the common phrase that comes to mind is “I’m getting older”. Our body is a unique and sophisticated instrument that controls an incredible number of processes and works intensively around the clock without interruption. Wouldn’t it be wise to make life easier for it instead of taking everything for granted or even abusing it in some cases? This is where self-love, mindfulness and general awareness come in. In simpler terms, how can we look and feel better, how do we contribute to our aging and how can we slow it down?

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Ballet Turnout – How to improve it

Turnout—a combination of rotational flexibility and the strength to properly hold that rotation—is the foundation for ballet techniques. Strong supporting muscles around your hips will not just prevent you from any potential injuries but also improve hip stability, the shape of your thighs, sculpting and perfecting beautiful ballerina legs. 

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The connection between ballet fitness and quantum psychology

The quantum world is a very odd place, that defies what we think is possible, so learning about quantum pschology, health and fitness, are probably the biggest breakthroughs in human potential in generations.

While everyone is talking about AI human intelligence on a quantum level is also accelerating, and if you want to live a healthier more energised life – read on and be amazed.

The first thing to get your head around is that thought influences the cells of your body and the energetic field that surrounds all living things. For those who can read auroras then they will know the colour changes in line with the feelings/energy alterations. Quantum is the basis of faith healing.

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The Loss Of Femininity In Fitness

The problem with many women, is they think they are in competition with men, which means they end-up wearing the same cloths and working-out the same way.

There’s nothing wrong with this — if that is a woman wants to be less than she can be, and loose the advantage of her grace and femininity. For some women, this statement of strength fits the identity they desire to be - often because the polarity of their core energy is strongly male. However, as a general trend in the way women approach life, it tends to lead them in the wrong direction if they want to embrace all that they can be.

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How Much Exercise to Lose Weight?

It’s well known that exercise is vital if you’re looking to lose some weight. But sometimes if you do too much of exercise you might end up overeating as a result. Or, you don't work out enough and then you don't see any results on the scale. So how much exercise to lose weight is really needed?

Researchers and medical experts provide weight loss exercise recommendations per day and per week, not only for slimming down but also to prevent weight regain.

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5 Reasons Why You Might Be Afraid to Hire a Personal Trainer

Though personal training is more mainstream than ever, there are still plenty of people hesitant to hire a trainer. They worry about the cost, they worry about the pain and they wonder things like: Will I look like a complete idiot? Is my trainer going to torture me? These fears are normal, but you shouldn't let them stop you from achieving your goals, and highly qualified personal trainer will certain help you to achieve it. Learn more about the most common fears and how you can get over them.

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Live Better With Ballet

Many years of top level professional ballet experience gives me a very good understanding that ballet enhances body, mind and spirit, but science seems to finally be taking notice. A recent crop of articles reveal the myriad of benefits doing ballet holds for people of all ages and abilities. 

Here’s a look at a variety of ballet-related findings and op-eds. 

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The Top 5 Metabolism-Boosting Foods to Speed Up Weight Loss

Boosting the metabolism” may very well be the “holy grail” of the fitness industry. Fortunately, there are several tried and true methods to accomplish this. Exercise, for instance, is arguably the most potent tool in the metabolism-boosting toolbox. Indeed, certain types of exercise can boost metabolism for hours after exercise. Even better, they can lead to long-term increases in resting metabolic rate by building calorie-burning muscle

Increasing the amount of non-exercise activity—such as walking, doing yard work, dancing, taking the stairs, and moving throughout the day—is another effective way to increase daily energy expenditure. 

Believe it or not, the food you eat—or don’t eat—can also have a significant impact on metabolism. For example, under-eating can lead to reduced metabolic rate. Meanwhile, certain metabolism-boosting foods and drinks help boost metabolic rate.

Here are five metabolism-boosting foods at the top of the list:

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Improving Posture Will Improve Your Life

Why feeling taller tricks your brain into making you feel more confident and why your smartphone addiction might be making you depressed?

The next time you’re feeling sad and depressed, pay close attention to your posture. According to cognitive scientists, you’ll likely be slumped over with your neck and shoulders curved forward and head looking down.

While it’s true that you’re sitting this way because you’re sad, it’s also true that you’re sad because you’re sitting this way. This philosophy, known as embodied cognition, is the idea that the relationship between our mind and body runs both ways, meaning our mind influences the way our body reacts, but the form of our body also triggers our mind.

This isn’t just about displaying confidence to others around; this is about actually changing your hormones–increased levels of testosterone and decreased levels of cortisol, or the stress hormone, in the brain.


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