Ballet Body Sculpture Online Classes & Training



Over 100 different classes & growing

Unlimited streaming available to watch and enjoy exercising on your computer, laptop, smart phone, iPad or Apple TV. Perfectly planned classes based on your needs, desires & goals from beginner to advanced levels. New exercises added every month!

Streaming Membership Options:



Full access to all our videos on a monthly membership basis:

Only $19.95 1st month! after 7 days free trial

 ($39.95/month there after)


Full access to all our videos on a yearly membership basis:

$395.-/year (save over $80!)

after 7 days free trial


Cancel anytime, no obligations, no sign up fees, no ads, no contracts!

* Subscriptions auto renew until cancelled

*We will never share your data with anyone else



All ballet fitness videos are created by an international principal ballerina Asta Bazeviciute, sharing her extensive ballet, fitness & injury recovery experience drown from the top of the ballet world, sport medicine and personal coaching for worlds most glamorous women.

The classes will realign your posture, slim the legs, strengthen the core, tone up all your muscles, lengthen and stretch to create a stunning body silhouette. Fun, challenging and very enjoyable artistic exercises with high impact results.

Ballet Body Sculpture online video classes offer a unique and convenient opportunity for you to receive professional guidance and to keep fit at any time or place. The perfect solution when you’re travelling and maintaining continuity from your living room if you can’t get to our ballet studio. Our streaming workouts are accessible and open to all levels – from beginner to advanced.

If you decide to stay on with your membership, you will continue to have access to our exclusive area with a complete library of online workouts.

Since I started the lessons with Asta, I felt a big improvement in my flexibility, coordination, body awareness and control, which I was unable to achieve in all my previous training, even working with a personal trainer. (Britta Dietsche)
A huge thank you for creating such wonderful classes!! (Silvia Winding )
Absolutely love Ballet Body Sculpture and look forward to every class! It has really helped me to improve my posture, flexibility and strength. The perfect way to clear your head after a busy day. Thank you! (Emily Gordon)
I I feel that my coordination, my balance and overall posture have improved over this short period of time. I can definitely recommend the BBS classes for anyone who is interested in dance and improving the body strength and coordination. (Claudia De Vecchi)

1:1 Personal Training Program Live

A perfect way to focus on your personal goals needs and desires at the comfort of your home.

Our tailor-made program offers you the opportunity to learn ballet techniques, strengthen and tone your body, improve your flexibility, align posture and learn how to move elegantly.

A guided 4 week program includes 8 private zoom classes as well as unlimited access to all our online library.

Streaming Video Classes


Bellow you can see the example of Ballet Body Sculpture video classes library with over 100 different classes & growing – available to view on your chosen device: Desktop, Laptop, Apple TV, IPad or Mobile phone. Good WiFi connection is recommended.

Preview of the Latest Video Classes Series: “Step by Step Ballet Body”

6 Videos to “Step by Step” sculpt, strengthen, stretch and align your body to refined dancers physique. Combining fluid, fast-paced movements with the classical method, you can achieve an effective full body workout that improves posture, mobility and core strength, as well as reducing your risk of injury or discomfort in both sport and everyday life.

Preview of the Latest Video Classes Series: DYNAMIC BODY BALLET

Enjoy our new trilogy of ballet fitness classes to make you fit, flexible and energized.

“Fit & strong”:

Sculpt dancers physique with this new mat core focused workout for ultra shaping, strength & tone.

“Ballet Centre”:

Classic ballet class, center practice that will help improve your alignment, coordination, fitness, stability & strength. Enjoy taking your technique to a new level.

“Extended stretch”:

A calming full body stretch to improve your posture and flexibility, prevent injuries, lower stress levels and give you a great sense of balance and well being.



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