Posts tagged dance workout class
Mindfulness For You!

Often the biggest barrier to our health and fitness goals is our own state of mind. Fear, frustration, a desire to wait to begin exercising until we lose some weight, have more time, less busy time at work, more energy... there are many reasons, when it comes to working out and getting results it is very easy not to make it happen. 

Sometimes all you need is a reminder to be mindful and to  take care of yourself!

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Why is ballet a great workout – Free 7 days exercise program

Ballet can help you burn a tremendous amount of calories and subsequently lose weight. Ballet involves total-body rhythmic movements that elevate your heart rate, breathing rate, circulation, and muscular activity. In fact, ballet elevates your metabolism 3-6 times above your resting metabolism. In other words, you’ll burn 3-6 times more calories when you’re dancing versus resting.

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Myths About Ballet

Nowadays anyone can see dancers perform thanks to television, where movies like Center Stage and shows like So You Think You Can Dance are accessible to the masses.
Nevertheless, ballet still remains off-limits for a large percentage of the population—particularly young people and, especially, young men.

If you or those around you are reluctant to go see a ballet, probably one of many misconceptions is skewing the perception of what is actually an exciting and dynamic art. So here we debunk the most common myths about ballet:

It’s a Girl Thing

Most men find it very emasculating to sit down to watch sparkly tutus and men in tights. However, ballet goes far deeper into the complexity of human beings than just the tutus they wear and the slippers they dance on.

Ballet dancers are incredibly athletic and you can see it in superhuman jumps to breakneck turns across the stage. The men and women train from a young age to perform physical feats that few athletes from other sports could even attempt. So if you like athletic sports like Basketball, you may also enjoy the mind-blowing amount of muscular strength and power ballet dancers display.

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Starting Ballet Is Never Too Late - The Benefits Of Ballet Exercise For Older Women

Many people think it’s too late to start with ballet and that they can never attain that beautiful grace and posture of a ballerina because they haven’t started as children.
The truth is that not only is it possible, but it’s highly beneficial especially for women and here is why: 

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7 Benefits of Chocolate

Just in time for the Easter break we would like to share with you some great benefits about the favourite Easter egg & bunny treat:)

Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food, a sure-fire stand-by in times of stress, a reliable source of consolation when life has let us down, and a mood-enhancer and romance-inducer in more positive circumstances. But is it at all healthy?

Research is continuing all the time, and experts have already found that chocolate is good for the heart, circulation and brain, and it has been suggested that it may be beneficial in such major heath challenges as autism, obesity and diabetes.

And in fact, the very latest research suggests that eating chocolate could help keep your brain function till the old age.

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