Healthy Foods To Create Ballet Body Line
Dark Chocolate
This go-to mood booster has more polyphenols than some fruit juices and has been known to lower blood pressure. A one-ounce square is the perfect portion.
With vitamins A, C, and E, this tropical fruit is good for your skin, eyes, heart, and immune system. Try it fresh or, in small amounts, dried, to satisfy a sweet tooth.
Whether used topically or to season foods, the fragrant oil stimulates circulation and acts as an anti-irritant. Plus, this herb is a proven memory booster.
Ground flax (easier to digest than whole seeds) is a dynamite source of lignans, plant estrogens that may soothe monthly mood swings and help prevent overeating.
This segmented citrus fruit is a powerhouse of vitamin C, an antioxidant that has been shown to help people recover more quickly from stress.Celery
Crunching a stalk is stress-busting in itself, but celery also contains a chemical that lowers the concentration of stress hormones in the blood, relaxing constricted vessels.