Posts tagged minset
Mindfulness For You!

Often the biggest barrier to our health and fitness goals is our own state of mind. Fear, frustration, a desire to wait to begin exercising until we lose some weight, have more time, less busy time at work, more energy... there are many reasons, when it comes to working out and getting results it is very easy not to make it happen. 

Sometimes all you need is a reminder to be mindful and to  take care of yourself!

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5 Tips To Make This Year The Best

Let’s face it — we far too often put our attention to fitness & wellness aside, until : "we have more time”, “loose a bit of weight”, “spring starts”, “ holiday finishes” and many more important excuses that fundamentally lead nowhere.  Don’t get caught in this trap! Take some flexibility and begin today. You’ll thank yourself tomorrow.

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How To Pick a Good Trainer or Coach

One of the biggest part of coaching or training clients, is overcoming limiting behavioural patterns and self identifying language patterns, these are the the fundamentals of what keeps a person overweight or functioning at a faction of their potential.

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Frequency Motivation

In any aspect of maintaining the mind and body, frequency is a subject few people talk about, yet it is the most important aspect of everything we do. Frequency is the vibrational band we operate within, and it’s something we all have to work on to heighten the level of awareness we have — as well as the resonance we project.

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The State of Your Nation

When you look at a person when you’re in the advanced mindset and body business, you can immediately see the limiting belief systems that they are themselves completely unaware of.

When you enter into a conversation with an individual, everything is revealed like a leaky bucket. In truth, people are completely unaware of what they project to the world, and often wonder why they get the poor results they do. 

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