Posts tagged body sculpt
The Top 5 Metabolism-Boosting Foods to Speed Up Weight Loss

Boosting the metabolism” may very well be the “holy grail” of the fitness industry. Fortunately, there are several tried and true methods to accomplish this. Exercise, for instance, is arguably the most potent tool in the metabolism-boosting toolbox. Indeed, certain types of exercise can boost metabolism for hours after exercise. Even better, they can lead to long-term increases in resting metabolic rate by building calorie-burning muscle

Increasing the amount of non-exercise activity—such as walking, doing yard work, dancing, taking the stairs, and moving throughout the day—is another effective way to increase daily energy expenditure. 

Believe it or not, the food you eat—or don’t eat—can also have a significant impact on metabolism. For example, under-eating can lead to reduced metabolic rate. Meanwhile, certain metabolism-boosting foods and drinks help boost metabolic rate.

Here are five metabolism-boosting foods at the top of the list:

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