Ballet Body Sculpture

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How to relieve joint pain

The group of conditions that cause inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints is called arthritis. There are 100 different types, although the most common is osteoarthritis. In this case, the layer of cartilage that lines the bones degenerates, causing swelling, stiffness, and pain. Without ruling out medical treatments, home remedies coupled with a change in lifestyle and moderate exercise can help reduce the symptoms and progression of this issue.

Review your diet

The western diet that is rich in fat, sugar, and refined flour causes intestinal permeability. That is, the mucous membrane of the intestine allows harmful bacteria to pass into the blood.

The body generates an immune response to defend itself by unintentionally attacking its own tissues. This is one of the main causes of arthritis. To relieve joint pain, it is advisable to completely change the way you eat. Intestinal damage is reversed when the diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains.

As much as possible, avoid dairy and processed meats, as well as foods with gluten. A healthy, natural diet provides enzymes that act against inflammation and reduce joint pain.

Control your body weight

The Arthritis Foundation states that every kilogram of body weight is multiplied by 3 in the knees, and by 6 in the hips. This extra stress on the joints makes the cartilage break down more easily, making the symptoms of arthritis worse. Maintaining an adequate weight relieves the pressure on the joints, relieving stiffness and pain.

Hot and cold pads

Aplying cold or hot combinations is beneficial in relieving inflammation and pain from arthritis. Heat facilitates movement by improving stiffness, while cold reduces pain and inflammation as well as swelling in the body tissues, therefor improving mobility.

Heat pads are more beneficial in the morning or prior any physical activity, whilst cold and ice will help to relieve and recover any pains in the evening.

The pad can be heated in the microwave or conventional oven for a few minutes and cooled in the refrigerator. The application of heat or cold should be about 20 minutes.

Consume omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body and regulate the immune system, improving arthritis symptoms.

Omega-3 has another important function in the body, increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning. As a result, weight is lost. This relieves the pressure on the affected joints, significantly reducing pain.

This fatty acid is found in nuts, cold-water fish (like tuna, sardines, or salmon) and hemp seeds, which are also rich in other anti-inflammatory substances. A small amount of these per day allows people who are suffering from arthritis to regain their health.

Take vitamin D

Vitamin D is mostly received from sunshine via our skin, which helps to strengthen the bones and our immune system.

It is also possible to absorb this vitamin when by eating foods that contain it (like fish, dairy products, egg yolks, avocadoes, and mushrooms), or by taking supplements available in pharmacies.

If you don’t spend a lot of time outside on a regular basis chances are you may be lacking Vitamin D, which can negatively affect the condition of arthritis.

Add ginger to your meals

Ginger root has a main component called gingerol, which inhibits the substances that cause inflammation and joint pain. Its phytochemicals even contribute to stopping the progression of arthritis.

In addition, it is safe to use in the long term. Whether fresh or powdered, you can incorporate it into your meals, starting with a small slice or ¼ teaspoon, as it can be pretty spicy.


Exercise is crucial for people with arthritis. It increases strength and flexibility, reduces joint pain, and helps combat fatigue. There’s no need to run a marathon or swim as fast as an Olympic competitor to help reduce arthritis symptoms. Even moderate exercise can ease your pain and help you maintain a healthy weight. When arthritis threatens to immobilize you, exercise keeps you moving.

Why exercise is vital

Exercise can help you improve your health and fitness without hurting your joints. With your Ballet Body Sculpture program, exercise can:

  • Strengthen the muscles around your joints

  • Help you maintain bone strength

  • Give you more energy to get through the day

  • Make it easier to get a good night's sleep

  • Help you control your weight

  • Enhance your quality of life

  • Improve your posture and balance

Though you might think exercise will aggravate your joint pain and stiffness, that's not the case. Lack of exercise actually can make your joints even more painful and stiff.

That's because keeping your muscles and surrounding tissue strong is crucial to maintaining support for your bones. Not exercising weakens those supporting muscles, creating more stress on your joints.

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