Posts tagged health
Why does tiredness can make you gain weight?

Do you ever find yourself reaching out for more snacks when you tired or had poor sleep? According to the science, a bad night's sleep can cause us to eat more therefore more likely to gain weight. Let’s have look into the reasons why we eat more when tired, including the need for more energy, comfort eating, how to avoid overeating and potentially gaining extra weight when feeling tired.

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Why Good Posture is so Important

You may have heard that good posture is essential for good health, but do you know why? Posture refers to how you hold you body and position it when you’re sitting, standing or moving. Your posture is partially inherited from your parents or relatives ( as your body structure) and partially the result of habits formed over the course of years.

Many people may recognize poor posture in others without realizing how their own falls short. Learn why good posture matters — and what you can do to improve yours.

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The connection between ballet fitness and quantum psychology

The quantum world is a very odd place, that defies what we think is possible, so learning about quantum pschology, health and fitness, are probably the biggest breakthroughs in human potential in generations.

While everyone is talking about AI human intelligence on a quantum level is also accelerating, and if you want to live a healthier more energised life – read on and be amazed.

The first thing to get your head around is that thought influences the cells of your body and the energetic field that surrounds all living things. For those who can read auroras then they will know the colour changes in line with the feelings/energy alterations. Quantum is the basis of faith healing.

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Improving Posture Will Improve Your Life

Why feeling taller tricks your brain into making you feel more confident and why your smartphone addiction might be making you depressed?

The next time you’re feeling sad and depressed, pay close attention to your posture. According to cognitive scientists, you’ll likely be slumped over with your neck and shoulders curved forward and head looking down.

While it’s true that you’re sitting this way because you’re sad, it’s also true that you’re sad because you’re sitting this way. This philosophy, known as embodied cognition, is the idea that the relationship between our mind and body runs both ways, meaning our mind influences the way our body reacts, but the form of our body also triggers our mind.

This isn’t just about displaying confidence to others around; this is about actually changing your hormones–increased levels of testosterone and decreased levels of cortisol, or the stress hormone, in the brain.


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7 Steps To Your Beach Body This Summer

The summer is all around us but it's never too late to get your body in to a lean and toned shape for the summer holiday  season!

Summer is the season when everyone wants to look good. Here are seven tips to get a toned and lean body this summer, without too much of extreme effort.

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9 Foods That Can Help You Look 10 Years Younger

We all want to look younger than we are and live as long as possible. Although it’s our genetic inheritance that gives us a head start, our diet also plays a vital part in helping us increase our lifespan and maintain beautiful youthful appearance for longer.

Revealing some anti-aging foods that keep your body and skin at its finest.

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How Ballet Effects Your Brain

Ballet and dance in general is a very popular and highly enjoyable activity, either recreationally or professionally. But how many of you who ever did some ballet or dancing realise the positive effects it is making not just for your body but also for the brain?

Dance, in fact, has such beneficial effects on the brain that it is now being used to treat people with Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurological movement disorder.

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Source : Harvard Medical School : Neurobiology


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