Getting out of the comfort Zone

To be able to grow & gain new experiences we need to break out of the cocoon.

Most people associate comfort zone with feelings of psychological safety and security. The biggest reason why comfort zone is preferred choice of the majority, is that being holed up in the cocoon we feel relaxed. It makes us feel ‘settled’ and poses no challenge whatsoever.

However, being on supposed ‘home turf’ gives a false sense of confidence and empowerment. You only have to step outside this comfort zone and expose to unfamiliar settings to realize how vulnerable and apprehensive you feel.

The comfort zone is, in reality, a trap, keeping a safe space confined, it puts a lid on a true potential and pushes into mediocrity.

We cannot have the life all planned out and operate only in a familiar environment, doing things that are comfortable or familiar. Life is unpredictable; hence learning to adapt to new things and navigate the way through the twists and turns is inevitable.

Also, to make it big in today’s competitive times, we need to train ourselves to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, become versatile, flexible, adaptable and be willing to take on the challenges that come along the way.

Here are a few ways to help & push to step outside of the comfort zone and explore new things.

1. different perspective

We are used to thinking in a particular manner and love habits. This makes the frame of mind fixed and allows to see things only through the lens of biases, beliefs and preconceived notions.

By pushing yourself out of the comfort zone and changing the stance, you start to see people and surrounding situations from a fresh perspective.

This helps to change the outlook and provides with a refreshingly different view of life, widening the horizon of your consciousness.

Seeing new perspective enables us to reframe thoughts and thus shows a whole new dimension of situations, gain valuable insights, that have been previously missing, while staying in the comfort zone.

2. Facing fears

Most people have some kind of fear. Some are scared of public speaking, others are afraid to talk to strangers, go out in public, live alone, and so on. The list is endless.

Fear is supposed to be protective in nature to keep us safe from things that can potentially be harmful. However, when fear overpowers and starts to control life, it can be counterproductive.

To stop ‘fearing the fear’ and step out of the comfort zone, we must face it and take baby steps towards what makes us uncomfortable.

Repeated effort will slowly drive away the fear, it’ll fade out and never come back. Imagine yourself living a fear-free life after having permanently gotten rid of it. How unburdened and relieved you’ll feel! A little bit of effort backed by faith and courage can make a monumental difference in the daily life. 

3. Allow yourself new experiences

Your experiences shape your life and make you the person you become. Opening the mind and enriching yourself with new adventures can indeed be life-changing.

Whether meeting new people, visiting new places, taking to a new diet, trying new exercise, starting something you’ve never done before, like ballet, or simply doing routine things differently, you must break the pattern and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Stepping away from the regular to explore new, allows not only new experiences bring exciting refreshment into the life, but also discover many unique and valuable experiences, adding value and enriching growing personality, which would undoubtedly move you forward on the path to success.

In Conclusion

Staying in the comfort zone certainly makes life easier and challenge-free. Moving out will push to feel unsettled—for a while—but contribute tremendously to your all round growth and development. Therefor, to improve life & tap into a full potential, this strive is necessary.

Stepping out of the comfort zone always opens gateways to newer opportunities and possibilities. Exploring uncharted waters, allows you not only grow in courage and mental strength but also open yourself to learn new skills, evolve consciously, reaching out and concurring new opportunities. It’s never too late to start something new in life, for example – have you tried ballet as fitness exercise?

New opportunities bring new possibilities – looking forward to seeing you at our classes! Xoxo
