A Fruit of Angels

Christoper Columbus referred to the papaya as “the fruit of angels” and it makes sense when we take a look at all the benefits it brings to the human body. And it tastes delicious which makes it perfect to eat every week to give your body a boost.


1. It lowers cholesterol.

This fruit is rich in fiber which helps to lower high cholesterol. Besides that, its antioxidants and vitamins help prevent heart disease.

2. It helps to get rid of worms and parasites.

Worms and parasites can cause damage to your body and it’s important to keep an eye on them. Papayas help to eliminate these parasites from the body as they break down their eggs. Their seeds can also be very beneficial.

3. It boosts immunity.

This fruit also contains vitamins A, C, and E that are nutrients needed for the immune system. It’s great for your body and helps to keep the immune system on track.

4. It reduces inflammation.

The papaya has anti-inflammatory properties. These can be really useful to fight inflamed skin and issues such as arthritis, joint pain, gout, and asthma.

5. It delays aging.

A lot of the nutrients in the papaya that we’ve already mentioned can help to delay aging, like vitamins C and E, and antioxidants. They prevent your skin from free radicals, sun damage, and wrinkles.

6. It regulates blood pressure.

This happens thanks to the presence of carpaine in papayas which is responsible for reducing blood pressure.

7. It lowers stress.

Thanks to vitamin C, papaya can help reduce stress since, according to a study conducted at the University of Alabama, it regulates the flow of stress hormones.

Bonus: How to eat the seeds

Eating papaya every week has its benefits, but you can just eat the fruit’s seeds for the same effect. It helps with worm and parasite elimination, kidney protection, inflammation reduction, fighting bacteria and more.

Although beneficial, papaya seeds can be very strong, so it’s recommended to begin eating one tablespoon a day and once your body gets used to it, you can eat 2 per day.

It’s also important to know that children, pregnant women, and those breastfeeding should not consume these seeds.

How do you enjoy eating your papaya the most?

Keep healthy, see you at our classes!