5 Reasons Why You Might Be Afraid to Hire a Personal Trainer

Though personal training is more mainstream than ever, there are still plenty of people hesitant to hire a trainer. They worry about the cost, they worry about the pain and they wonder things like: Will I look like a complete idiot? Is my trainer going to torture me? These fears are normal, but you shouldn't let them stop you from achieving your goals, and highly qualified personal trainer will certain help you to achieve it. Learn more about the most common fears and how you can get over them.


1. It costs too much

At the end you get what you pay for. Highly professional tutor will charge you more, as the knowledge and extensive experience will advance your training dramatically. You health and your body deserve the best investment, nothing is worth more than you feeling healthy, fit and confident in your life. The long term value will only be increasing.

2. I am too overweight and / or out of shape

If it's been a long time (or ever) since you've worked out, hiring a trainer may bring up scary questions:

  • What if I can't do the exercises? - Qualified trainer will select the program that suits you exactly. That’s why it is called – personal training. The exercises are tailored to your abilities and needs. Give yourself an opportunity to try the exercises before getting discouraged.

  • What if I can't make it through a workout? - Your trainer's job is to create workouts that match not just your goals, but what your body can handle. Your trainer will check in with you throughout the workout, what feels right, what to focus on, what to avoid.

  • What if my trainer sees what a fat, lazy slob I really am? - Your trainer isn't there to judge you. The tutor is far too busy thinking about developing exercise programs to help you reach your goals.

Remember these things:

  • You're stronger than you think you are

  • You know more than you think you do

  • It gets easier with time and practice


3.I don’t know what to expect

In the absence of experience, you may imagine all kinds of scary things that could happen during your personal training session. But, your trainer isn't going to make you do anything you aren't ready for. Remember, you can always simply contact ahead and ask the questions that may concern you, prior starting the training.

4.I’m afraid it will hurt

The exercise shouldn't cause pain. There will likely be some discomfort, of course, which is true anytime your body does things it isn't used to. A few things you can expect when you start exercising:

  • Burning muscles - It's normal to feel some burning in your muscles, especially if you're a beginner or if you're doing intense repetition exercises. The burning comes from lactic acid building up as your muscles become fatigued. This is uncomfortable, but it will pass and may become less of a problem as you get stronger.

  • Muscles you've never felt before - Your body has more than 650 muscles. You won't work all of them during one workout, but you may feel like you have. It's normal to feel an exercise everywhere, even in unrelated body parts As you build strength in the weaker areas of your body, this will be less of an issue. For instance, ballet uses considerably more muscle groups and any other physical activity, therefor you will most certainly start developing more precise body shape and posture.

  • Stiffness and soreness - Any new activity can cause soreness within 24-48 hours of your workout. Most of the time it’s normal and you may find that it does go away in a day or two. A hot bath or a massage can relax the muscles a bit quicker.

You shouldn't feel any actual pain, though. Any sharp, stabbing pain in the joints, muscles or connective tissue should get your immediate attention.

5.I’m afraid of falling

If you've tried to lose weight with diets, exercise programs or other failed ventures, you may be afraid of another failure. Unfortunately, hiring a trainer is no guarantee of success. A trainer can do a lot of things for you — teach you an amazing variety of exercises, challenge you, give you personalized workouts, track your progress and motivate you. What he can't do is give you what you most need to have to achieve your goals: a desire to change.

The problem is, no diet or gadget or personal trainer is going to make any difference if you don't believe that how you're living is making you more miserable than having to change it.

Having a standing appointment that you're paying for and an expert to guide you can certainly be motivating, but it's no talisman against failure. Before you take the plunge, ask yourself why you want to hire a trainer. Good reasons to hire a trainer: You're not seeing results, you don't know where to start or you're stuck in a plateau. Bad reasons to hire a trainer: You want to lose weight fast, you feel pressured by aggressive environment, you want the perfect body now, or you think a trainer can magically transform you into the kind of person who is motivated to exercise.

Can you relate to any on the points above?:)

Looking forward to seeing you at our classes!


Source: verywellfit.com