How To Stay Healthy & Fit During Christmas Season

Christmas is probably the hardest time of the year to stay fit. Food, drink, lots of social events, less and less time to organise your personal needs, leaving you exhausted, stuffed and ready for the January detox. So how do you stay fit at Christmas?


What To Eat To Stay Healthy And Fit

Staying healthy and fit at Christmas isn’t as hard or as boring as you may think. Here are few ideas:

  • Enjoy Christmas foods but don’t pile on your plate till full. Keep things realistic and indulge in moderation. Instead of creating a mountain of meat and potatoes on your plate, stock up on the vegetables.

  • Take your time at the dinner table. Eating slower will not only lead to better meal satisfaction, but you’ll better your digestion and actually realise when you feel full up. 

  • Don’t skip your meals. You need to keep your metabolism going and you need to stick to the routine of having three, well balanced meals a day. Most social meetings don’t disrupt your breakfast and lunches, so keep these healthy and planned. This way you can make sure you’re getting all the nutrition you need from these two meals. 

  • Drink in moderation. This may sound like an obvious one but drinking a lot of alcohol is just using up a bundle of calories! A glass of wine can be up to 350 calories and the sugar content alone can really affect your weight and health. So you don’t have to stop drinking completely, just switch up your usual drink for something that’s a little better. Spirits are a good option as they usually don’t contain as many calories as wine or beer do.

  • Drink lots of water, it’s a fairly common advise, but one we always seem to forget. Flushing out the toxins and curing any unwanted hunger feelings, drinking a glass of water regularly will help you stay fit at Christmas. As well as keeping you hydrated and healthy. If you do go out for a drink aim to drink a some of water beforehand, drink some more water throughout your evening and then finish with a big glass of water when you come home.

Christmas Fitness


Christmas fitness doesn’t mean you do nothing for the entire month and then exercise “till you drop” when it comes to January. You need to stick to a good pattern. Everyone has that mind set of ‘this year I’ll join the gym and actually go this time’, but we all know that after the first few weeks you’ll give up and ‘try again next year’. Therefor start your New Years resolution today, don’t wait for New Year’s Special - 1st of January.

  • Set yourself realistic goals instead of thinking that you’ll go everyday. Exercising just for half an hour to an hour just three days a week will leave you feeling satisfied and happy, rather than being disappointed in January when your fitness level completely collapses.

  • Work on the muscle strength. Loosing any muscle mass will counteract all the hard work you’ve put in all year. Why not try just 10-15 min of Ballet Body Sculpture online classes every morning to set your ballet body program for the festive season? Take a look at one of our quick and effective routine for your waistline:

  • Planning in advance will make sure you’re prepped and ready to get it done. This will keep you motivated and will prevent lack of concentration or wasting any time.

  • Your back muscles shouldn’t be neglected over the Christmas period as this is what helps you with your posture. Keeping it straight and confident will be so important at all your social events! Try to reboot it every so often with:

  • Your arms, abs and legs can be done in a separate session. Exercising your legs will start to build more muscle, and because the legs and bottom are some of the bigger muscles in the body, you actually burn a lot more calories because it requires more energy. As well as a good calorie burner, it will kick up your metabolism too! Try our quick fix & Christmas special :

So in summary:

  • The food will be tempting, but don’t over do it on portion size and the amount of meals you have a day. Think about how full you actually are and don’t rush into overeating.

  • Christmas routines shouldn’t be excessive. You still want to enjoy the social season, but start every morning with a quick and healthy workout.

  • Set realistic workout goals, balance your time well and stick to your plan.

Have a lovely festive season!
